Through the window...

  Have you ever had that moment, whereby you sit...and just stop for a minute or two. Life gets so busy that even when you don't appear to be doing something, your brain is going round and round: thoughts about dinner, your next meal, how good your breakfast was, how much is on your 'to-do' list for the day and how little you are yet to have achieved. I sometimes find that it helps, just to stop, step back and take a look at the moment you are in.

  Through the window of the café, out onto the street. The man who just tripped and then turned direction thinking everyone saw, where in actual fact nobody even noticed, and now he has a longer route to the bank, making him late for his meeting. The lady with what seems to be five thousand kids, all running in different directions, out of control and you just pray, for her sake, that they are not ALL hers. An old couple, walking hand in hand, laughing, joking, smiling because of the life they have, and you think to yourself- that is true love, it really does exist. The tramp who has not moved an inch, lulling out on the side of the street, a stench smell surrounding him, and you think to yourself, how can you get there, get to the point when you have nothing, what happened to him? The stuck up business folk who feel they are right no matter who they are arguing with, the type you get on trains who seem to get louder and louder, as if the entire carriage desperately want to know their yearly plan. The students running, late, because they have slept through their alarm after a heavy night. The painter, painting the scene of which I am writing about, the business of life, the different types of people, that together make this beautiful World in which we live.

  And me, sitting in the Café, sipping at my delicious Hot Chocolate, observing the scene of everyday life, and smiling in appreciation at what a wonderful life I have.


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