When they say there's a heatwave in Barcelona, they really meanit........(sort of)!

A beautiful train journey down France and another midnight trek across a European city brought us to our (this time) lovely accommodation. We actually had a view of life rather than concrete walls, so felt much less enclosed. We also witnessed actual adults staying there so it couldn't have been bad. We were shattered having been so full on in Paris and lugging our huge backpacks (next time remind me not to bring so much) everywhere, so when we finally got into bed around half 1am we were more than ready for a nights kip followed by a day on the beach.

And that is exactly what we had. We woke feeling alive again, looked out to our view of the beautiful sunshine and bustling city life and headed straight for the sea. Despite constant tannoy reminders that Barcelona was currently experiencing a heatwave and we need to take extra precautions like not stay exposed to the sun for too long especially between 12 and 4pm and avoid drinking alcohol, we stayed fully exposed in the sun between 12 and 4 with a break only for a cheeky jug of Sangria. Delicious.

What wasn't so delicious however was the fact that I either got sunscreen in my right eye or the exposure to the sun mildly damaged it. It streamed and streamed from midday onwards and was so sore. I couldn't see and was getting a bit frightened that I'd really messed up knowing how important eyes are. A little siesta and time in our shaded room seemed to help matters thank the lord and we managed to get a sneak peek of the bars of Barcelona, starting with the 360 view top bar and another bowl of Sangria.

Having done nothing culturally different to a summers day in the UK on our first day in Barcelona, we felt we best see the sights on the second day, which we certainly did. 7 hours of sightseeing later, witnessing the amazing Gaudi buildings and a panoramic view from the top of Montjuic (which we got a cable car up rather than walked I hasten to add), among many other things, we felt our day had been well spent. Barcelona accomplished!

Things I've learnt in Barcelona:
Another city that never stops
You know you're not staying in a dive when 'real adults' are staying there too
The struggles you face when in holiday mode like when to turn over when sunbathing and at what point you open your book
That I've packed way too much stuff
They can tell you're English no matter how hard you try...


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