At this age...

At this age life really has just begun, “the World is your oyster”, they say, “go out and explore”. It is a time to spread the young wings and flee the nest. Whether it be university, the start of a new job, a first home (for some) , a baby (for the nutters about!)
 At 15, EVERYTHING is a catastrophic disaster! Your boyfriend/ girlfriend dumps you, the end of the World…Mum served fish for dinner and she’s known for 15 years that you HATE fish, also the end of the World.
Going back to five, where you are the complete opposite, EVERYTHING is utterly fabulous! From crayons, to paper, to bugs, to mud, to puddles, just everything ‘floats your boat’! Everyone is your best friend, especially those who come armed with sweets, and the only issue you have is deciphering who stole your play dough!
The above is based upon previous experience, but being just nineteen, I have a long way to go in order to be able to fill in the gaps. So, from observations through working in a village shop, with every age coming in and out, and with the little life experience I so far have, I have come up with a middle and end to my story!

At the age of thirty, if unmarried and childless, or in general as a matter of fact, many think their life is over, but ladies and gents, do not panic, you all have many years left on the clock!
Forty is the new twenty! You have finally accepted that thirty really was not so bad, and are rip roaring ready to go again! Chilling, drinking too much (this time even better- there are sprogs to embarrass now), admiring what you have done, and realising that there are loads of things out there for you to still do.
Fifties, you are only half way there, the age of the ‘mid-life crisis’, where men get new gadgets and ladies hit the wine to let the bank balance sink in! Time to do all the things that you haven’t done already, while the walking stick is still in the semi-distant future!
Sixty is the time of retirement, where the relaxing begins, the placement of your slippers becomes all too familiar, seventy is when they never leave your feet.
At eighty, sweets become your best friend. Long gone are the days of caring about your figure, what is good for you, what could go wrong… how many sugars in your coffee? FOUR?!

And if you reach 150, you must be a Turtle.


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