The Host
You semi-forget the
event is in your diary, until a week before having received a number
of texts saying “what can I bring?”...”really looking
forward...”, you leap off your feet and get your arse into gear.
Cleaning,gardening, preparing the shopping list, then realising there
are more guests than originally thought, and so preparing a second
shopping list...and a third...worrying who you haven't invited,
numbers, the WEATHER (particularly for my English readers), its all
on the mind.
The day before you frantically work, clean, polish, sweep, in order to enable a slight lay-in for the big day, so that you are fully ready for the party...midnight strikes and you have just about finished. You think it is all done, you think you can be chilled the next morning before the guests arrive, leisurely get prepared with little left to do, but NO. RUSH RUSH RUSH. The weather has failed you. What can you do now that wont get mouldy before the guests arrive? What do you need to do full stop? Too much to do, or is there? No, I think you're all done, everything set....OH LORDY, you're still in your pyjamas!! In five minutes you are miraculously ready. Looking half like a scarecrow who has been dragged through a field backwards and half OK, you sit down. Annnnnd breathe...
The bottle bank goes 'clink' 'clink' 'clink'- it is heard in the next village, town, city! The smell of beer makes you dizzy and the sight of the number of wine bottles consumed is just vile. The only pleasure is the left over desserts in the fridge.
Aaaaaand sleep.....
(Not that this, in any way, shape or form, is written from past experience, AT ALL!)
The day before you frantically work, clean, polish, sweep, in order to enable a slight lay-in for the big day, so that you are fully ready for the party...midnight strikes and you have just about finished. You think it is all done, you think you can be chilled the next morning before the guests arrive, leisurely get prepared with little left to do, but NO. RUSH RUSH RUSH. The weather has failed you. What can you do now that wont get mouldy before the guests arrive? What do you need to do full stop? Too much to do, or is there? No, I think you're all done, everything set....OH LORDY, you're still in your pyjamas!! In five minutes you are miraculously ready. Looking half like a scarecrow who has been dragged through a field backwards and half OK, you sit down. Annnnnd breathe...
The guests arrive, bringing all sorts
of wondrous concoctions... that all require space in the fridge,
THERE IS NO ROOM IN THE FIRDGE, cook a pizza to make space, BURN THAT
PIZZA! The rain pours, but then the sun comes out, all the while you
are lobbing a whole lot of wine down your neck. The phrase “Who
wants a drink” turns into “whosh wantssaaa drinkisik”, utter
“gobledy gook”, as the afternoon becomes evening, your
hospitality lessens as the drunkenness increases. You are a lady and
you look into your hand to find a can of Ale, you're a man and there
is a cartoon of Blackcurrant ,and you look to your children who are
pouring themselves a Gin and Tonic, what is going on?! The “one for
the road”'s started about three hours ago, and still the phrase is
being repeated over and over, until the last few guests stumble out
of your gate. You sit down having had a splendid time, and you wonder
why your garden is spinning, bed time calls, the clearing up can wait
until morning.
The bottle bank goes 'clink' 'clink' 'clink'- it is heard in the next village, town, city! The smell of beer makes you dizzy and the sight of the number of wine bottles consumed is just vile. The only pleasure is the left over desserts in the fridge.
Aaaaaand sleep.....
(Not that this, in any way, shape or form, is written from past experience, AT ALL!)
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