TECHNOLOGY: our ridiculous reliance, but its (mostly) simplifying and positive effect.

  Technology, something in this day and age which quite frankly you cannot escape! I was urged to write about this just this morning when it came to my attention that I was checking the weather forecast in order to decipher my outfit for the day... on my phone. There I was getting more and more frustrated at my iPhone 5 because it was being sluggishly slow, when it occurred to me - I live in a house, which is right next door to the outdoors, which is where weather happens, therefore it tells me that very instant whether it is raining or dry. With the flick of a curtain I found out, despite the fact that my phone was still stuck on Sunday's forecast, that it was a drizzly morning but warm, so cropped trousers would be sufficient!

  With all elaboration aside, technology really has made us act in a stupid manner. We hold our phones as if they are the equivalent to a life support machine needed to keep us alive and if we dropped them we would instantly die. This is extremely apparent in the case of a lady losing her phone among the mess of her handbag. The sheer panic expressed before she finds it is as if she had lost a child, or remembered the potatoes, now burning, in the oven because who knows who may have text her, when it turns out to be Sally saying that she will be five minutes late picking Hugo up tonight. For most people, checking their phones is the first thing they do in the morning and the last thing at night, with a half way through glance at 2am if they wake, just to check the non-existent fan mail. 

  In other areas you are now able to track your dog, cat, track your package, a Domino's takeaway during every process of preparation, the list is endless. In fact my brother has recently launched a product in which you attach a tracking device to your dogs collar which links to an app on your phone telling you the exact location of your dog and it even texts you if your dog goes out of the perimeter you set - madness! 

  People, especially older folk, often moan about how technology is wrecking the world but could they REALLY go back to living without Corrie, Google, Online/ TV weather, making coffee with the press of a button, Dishwashers, Air Con, Mobility Scooters, Cameras, finding favorite songs without having to search through the record collection, Computers, Email, Text (for some, let's not get too carried away), the ability to fly to the other side of the world in 24 hours as opposed to weeks and weeks and weeks...

...And the more technology, the easier life becomes in many ways, BRING IT ON I SAY!


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