The beauty of friends.

Where would anyone on this planet be without their friends. Doesn't matter if you are male or female, big or small, friends are always a massive, important and special part of your life, and just what would you do without them. 
 Excellent for making us smile, laugh, feel good, a cup of tea or very stiff drink! If we need to cry, scream, shout, friends are also helpful. When you're younger, they are someone to play with when your siblings get bored of you! As you grow up, they can be used as an excuse to drink copious amounts of alcohol on a school night and it be seen as OK, even without a reason to do so! An opportunity to be a complete weirdo, say and do stupid things in front of, yet know that you will not be judged. They will tell you when you have been a fool, tell you when you are being great, and a they can also be used as advice gurus. Sometimes i think to myself, "gee, I swear most issues in life can be solved with a bottle (or two) of wine and a jolly good friend!" So hands up if you are lucky enough to have amazing friends around you, I know I am! Treasure them, and the memories you share. 


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