How popping to the shop for a loaf of bread becomes like reading the latest copy of OK magazine...oh village life!

Anybody out there who currently lives or has ever lived in a village will know exactly what it is like. Especially those lucky villages that still have the whole package which includes a pub and a village shop that both act as the hub of the place and gossip central.

This is my home life and working inside said village shop, I get a spectacular insight into this game of Chinese Whispers. If anything significant ever happens in this small insignificant habitat, it is hilarious how the stories can change and grow. 

Throughout the day as various witnesses enter the shop, more and more information is given. Some of which is instantly dismissed as the source was perhaps unreliable or the information given is so ridiculous that it cannot possibly be true, but with what information we keep, a story starts to form. 

This goes on throughout the day until the best storytellers around divulge this epic tale to the rest of us in the evening in the pub garden and we find that what started as a rabbit innocently going missing has become world war three with killer rabbits riding around on lawnmowers (or something of a slightly less random but still highly exaggerated sort). Or what was first expressed as two villagers copulating in the village hall car park in broad daylight one Sunday afternoon was actually a discussion of the latest episode of Planet Earth. You may even find things said about yourself and when the rumor finally reaches your ears you just have to laugh, or vomit.

It's amazing how news can spread in such a small amount of time and how the smallest of places can create rumors of the most monumental events (virtual happenings, of course). You've just got to love the drama of it all. 

And so the stories flow and the gossip spreads, and village life continues!


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