World, is it OK to be worried?

It's in the back of all of our minds, something that we wouldn't have thought up ten years ago. When driving down the A1 home from Uni I fear completely irrationally that a lorry may veer over suddenly crushing into ten cars, but does this mean they've won? When walking on pavements even in the small towns that I live near, I fear for my safety. At Cambridge station the other day on my way to London I was asked by a lovely Australian lady to look after her bag while she went to the toilet and instantly questioned whether there was an unsafe package inside. I instantly felt awful for doing so, but have they won? 

With this years events in the UK resulting in terrorism having a bigger personal impact on our civilization (wrongly because it occurs most days all over the world), I ask the question is it OK to be afraid? I've read many articles recently and heard within the media people saying 'stay strong, keep going, don't let them win'. Win what? I hear children of just ten years old discussing the lock-down procedure in schools while grabbing their pic'n'mix. I see tabloids covered in gruesome pictures which are hard to look at, far too often. It's so wrong. How do we begin to explain?

I think the world in which we live is a terrifying place for many reasons and I think it is OK to be scared. I also continue to enjoy busy and risky cities like London and Manchester. I enjoy visiting tourist attractions which set off alarm bells. I enjoy catching public transport and continue to trust people even when my mind questions otherwise. I continue to look forward to my trip around Europe and the World where I'm potentially putting myself in more danger than if I were to stay in my safe hub of Moulton. I enjoy seeing the union of a nation after the horrific events in Manchester at the concert last month. I enjoy seeing further concerts going on with security guards dancing to Stayin' Alive. I feel safe watching the changing of the guard in London, full of Britishness. The brass band playing Queen 'Don't Stop Me Now' and wishing that Liz would come up to the window, gin in hand, dance and make my absolute life. 

I don't feel as though I've 'won' anything though. I'm still scared. I still have these thoughts in the back of my mind. I still feel sad that children are having to confront such awful issues in a horrific world. I quietly cringe at the ignorant and racist comments through anger of such a minority group, and acts of brutality in some sort of warped revenge at Finsbury Park. 

So, yes World. I am worried. It is always in the back of my mind. But what can I do? Enjoy life and everything in it, that's what. If something bad happens to you or you're going through a particular rough patch, people will tell you to focus on the good things to keep your sanity. So I'm doing just that. Though masked by hatred and evil a lot recently, the world still is a wonderful place for many reasons - appreciate the beauty and enjoy life!


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