"Some people have a bath, I watch Love Island. It's how I relax"

Image result for love island
This gem of a statement was said by my little sister in a debate with my brother over the TV show, Love Island. Now, I know this may sound absurd but I never got into the show myself though I know many of you were totally addicted, my sister being one. 9 O'clock every night for the past 7 weeks she's urged silence in the house so she can see whether Olivia is still annoying or if Kem and Amber have split up yet. Sigh. However, I do completely understand where she is coming from when she said what she said (that, and I watched the final which was hilarious, especially the 'heartfelt' speeches!).

Despite my brother claiming that they dumb your mind (and many of you may well agree with him), I find a guilty pleasure in TV shows just like this one - you know the type; Made in Chelsea, TOWIE etc. If ever on a rainy day I just want to chill out and feel good about my life I turn these shows on. There's something so refreshing in doing this. Sometimes I go right back to the beginning and watch the entire thing all over even though I know all of the gossip and who is going to cheat on who. 

I totally get it. It's the not having to concentrate too hard and the addiction that we all have to a juicy bit of goss. It's watching the dramas unfold in these people's lives and being grateful for the fact that your life seems a lot calmer and less catastrophic on a daily basis. It's the fact that these dramas in no way affect your life so you can happily virtually get involved with the lying and the cheating and come away with no real harm done. It's actually surprisingly interesting just to watch people living and if you'd have told me this ten years ago before any of these shows were aired I'd have told you otherwise, but it is. 

So don't knock it. If ever you're in a 'can't be bothered' kind of mood and just fancy monging out on the sofa and switching off your brain for a few hours then these should be your go-to shows. Trust me, addictive isn't the word - you'll be hooked.


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