Please Sir, can I have some more?

As the country warms up for British Summertime, the majority of people don't fancy eating so much and if they do it's usually 'cold meat and salad' for tea, every day of the week. Not me, nope. 

Recently, I've found that my appetite has increased massively. I mean, I've always eaten like a man. In fact, I hold pride in the amount I can eat without getting full up. One time I ate two whole medium Dominoes pizzas and then Mum came back with a portion of Fish and Chips, which I proceeded to demolish. Impressive for a girl of fourteen, I know. 

Turns out as my age has increased so has my hunger. At work, the ladies act like ladies and only have small portions for lunch or half a cheeky sausage sandwich on a Saturday. I automatically have the whole shebang and am hungry five minutes later. After dinner, the hunger returns and usually results in a quick trip to Tesco to indulge in more calories. In fact, I shock myself at the amount I eat and wonder how I am not the size of a small building.

I don't know how obvious I'm making this, but my life revolves around food. I constantly think about my next snack or meal and the majority of social occasions involve eating at some point. I mean, it's basic survival, right? I've never been concerned about my weight, but I do frequently tell myself to exercise more and eat less. Does this happen? It most certainly does not. By the time I've finished the sentence and attended one Yoga class, I'm at the pub indulging in a fatty lager and a pot of nuts (no pun intended). 

Joking aside, I haven't much to worry about at the moment. I have more flabby bits than I would ideally like but who doesn't? I'm enjoying life and all the food in it while I can. When I really need to worry, I will. But for now I am happy to sacrifice the flat bikini stomach for another year and have those extra cocktails and a pizza as big as my a starter. Yum.


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