The struggles of life as a 'moany bitch'...

'Moany bitch' - a term that I've adopted lately, especially after receiving my final degree classification and being totally devastated, totally unnecessarily. It describes me perfectly. I mean, I got a 2:1 which is a great result and any normal human being would be chuffed with this, but I couldn't see past the fact that it wasn't a first. So close yet so far. How was I to tell my family and friends? How could anyone be proud? (despite everyone constantly telling me how proud they were). 

So, I'll admit that I do have a tendency to be a slight drama queen in situations like this one... in fact in most life situations, let's be honest. If I bash my knee or have a minor headache, then I'm likely to die. If something happens which only slightly changes my plans then it is, of course, the end of the world. If somebody mildly irritates me, then they have pissed me off beyond measure and I really cannot stand them. That is until I've thought about my initial reaction which usually takes around five minutes, then I'm totally over it. I realise my mistake and happily continue living.

The scenarios described are, I'm sure (I hope), familiar to many of you who also have these same spontaneously ridiculous responses sometimes in life and it is OK to be a 'moany bitch'. It makes days a lot more exciting and dramatic, and you feel elated after, realising how much you exaggerated your despair. It also makes you a great story teller because you can take any mundane event and make it into something big. Trust me. Though people know you're probably overstating the situation, they usually go along with it. 

However, you (I) must always remember our status as a 'moany bitch' and that this is a temporary trait to our personalities which we will overcome. We must acknowledge the fact that we are melodramatic and appreciate that things aren't so bad as they seemed a moment ago.

That result which you were miffed with is great and you should be so proud. That headache you had will  fade and you'll feel normal again, you won't die. That irritating person is no harm and it's not worth getting so angry.

It's fun to dramatise situations but take a moment to come back down to earth sometimes, breathe and find the hilarity in life as a 'moany bitch'. 


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